Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sales Letter:-Internet Home Business

You can write your own web copy or outsource it to a good copywriter. However good copywriters are quite expensive. If you invest time in learning this art, the rewards are phenomenal. The goal of any web page should be to get the visitor to do something - to move on to the next step in a purchase sequence or to click for more information about a product or service. Today people hardly stay on a web page for more than few seconds until they find something that hooks them. You have one chance to make a first impression to quickly convey the benefit of staying on your website. The written content in a sales letter should be accompanied by a layout, functionality, message and overall look and feel of your web page. It should tell your potential clients that you have the solution they are seeking. It should repeatedly show them that your product or service will solve their problems, answer a dream, enrich their lives, and/or improve their businesses.


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